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5. World Candle Congress

Westdeutsche Dochtfabrik GmbH & Co. KG and Heinz Jansen Technische Geflechte GmbH & Co. KG attended their first conference as a unified company – the World Candle Congress in Puerto Rico between 4 and 8 April, 2016.

We warmly thank everyone who visited our stall at the trade fair, where we presented our modern wick configurator alongside many other wick innovations. We were also able to present our first joint projects, which we have been able to realise for the benefit of our customers since the merger of our companies. Examples include our joint laboratory and the newly developed technologies.

We were very proud of our Sales Manager, Steven West, who was asked to deliver a keynote presentation on the topic of “candle fascination”.

After the trade fair, WEDO gave two computer monitors to the organising team of the World Candle Congress. They will be donated to a charitable project, the local orphanage Casa Cuna in San Juan.

If you would like to find out more about our joint vision, please click this link to view our company brochure. We encourage you to keep checking the news on our website every now and then, as we have a range of other projects planned and will be reporting on them here.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any further questions.


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Westdeutsche Dochtfabrik GmbH & Co. KG
Ravensstr. 46, 41334 Nettetal
Mailbox 25 46, 41312 Nettetal

Tel.: +49 2157 1206 - 0

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