All about wicks
Let us forget our age of high technology for a second and have a purely scientific look at the mechanics of a candle flame. When we light the wick of a candle, the heat of the flame melts the wax.
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Let us forget our age of high technology for a second and have a purely scientific look at the mechanics of a candle flame. When we light the wick of a candle, the heat of the flame melts the wax.
Ideal wick position: The wick protrudes from the candle in a straight line and bends towards the flame boundary, entering the “glow zone”, where it burns fully at the highest temperature under the influence of oxygen.
The flame of a candle is separated into different glowing and temperature areas, which are easily visible to the naked eye: (1) Candle (2) Wick (3) Blue zone: Usually outside of the luminous zone Hottest zone due to oxygen contact
Westdeutsche Dochtfabrik GmbH & Co. KG
Ravensstr. 46, 41334 Nettetal
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