All about wicks
Let us forget our age of high technology for a second and have a purely scientific look at the mechanics of a candle flame. When we light the wick of a candle, the heat of the flame melts the wax.
WEDO produces and distributes wicks and technical braids in accordance with the standards for quality management systems stipulated in DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 .
WEDO uses almost exclusively the highest grade ring spun cotton yarn.The yarn is purchased on the basis of annual contracts with certified suppliers and textile manufacturers. In addition we use cellulose based yarns. The cotton yarn we use complies with the Oekotex Standard 100. The European Oekotex 100 Standard is recognised as a leading authority on textile safety and quality. Full details of this standard are contained on the following webpage: http://www.oeko-tex.com
We are accredited supplier of RAL Quality Association for Candles. The Accreditation ensures quality in the supply chain:
With this
The accreditation is based on our certified quality management system. According to the confirmation of our certifier, the requirements of the RAL quality and test specifications are included in our quality management system.
The compulsory registration for chemicals within the EU and communication along the supply chain has been governed by the REACH regulation since its commencement on 1/6/2007. According to the REACH Regulation, wicks are classified as “articles”. Therefore there is no need to issue MSDS for our wicks. However, we compiled the most important safety related information in our “Safety Information Sheets” which can be send to you upon request.
As wick manufacturers, we ensure that all chemicals used in our products are registered accordingly.
In the context of this registration it turned out that most of the substances used in our production process are classified as not dangerous. This means they can be used for all applications independent of the quantity. According to Art. 14 of REACH-Regulation (EG) No. 1907/2006 it is not necessary to create an exposure evaluation and/or scenario for them.
For the dangerous substances exposure scenarios were created. The results showed however that the “Derived No Effect Levels (DNEL) by inhalation” were significantly below limits. Therefore the application as candle wick does not pose any danger for the user.
On 1 July 2015, ECHA recommended that additional substances including boric acid (CAS-Nr. 10043-35-3, 11113-50-1, EC-Nr. 233-139-2, 234-343-4) and disodium tetraborate, anhydrous (CAS-Nr. 1303-96-4, EC-Nr. 215-540-4) should be included in the authorisation list (Appendix XIV of the REACH regulation).
We already informed about the wicks in question.
Although neither the “Last application date” nor the “Sunset date” have been announced by the ECHA authorities yet, our team has been working on developing new recipes without boric acid and disodium tetraborate.
We have already started to dispatch appropriate wick samples and to carry out large scale tests with our customers.
For all other products we can confirm at this time that none of the products we supply to you contain any substances that were published by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in the updated Candidate List of SVHC (substances of very high concern), or at least not above a concentration of 0.1 % (w/w).
You are no doubt well aware that choosing the right wick is a science in itself. Please do not hesitate to contact our experts with any questions about the right wick for your needs. We will be happy to liase with your lab staff, carry out preliminary tests in our own laboratory and follow up with verification on the machines in your factory. Your satisfaction is our motivation and incentive. If no item from our current range of approximately 1,000 wicks is able to provide ideal burning results, we will be happy to face the new challenge. As part of our service, we offer internal and external training courses, tailored to meet the requirements of our customers. Our new wick selection system (an online-offline combination of a wick configurator and a sample cabinet) provides the perfect starting point for your own tests.Find out more here.
Let us forget our age of high technology for a second and have a purely scientific look at the mechanics of a candle flame. When we light the wick of a candle, the heat of the flame melts the wax.
Ideal wick position: The wick protrudes from the candle in a straight line and bends towards the flame boundary, entering the “glow zone”, where it burns fully at the highest temperature under the influence of oxygen.
The flame of a candle is separated into different glowing and temperature areas, which are easily visible to the naked eye: (1) Candle (2) Wick (3) Blue zone: Usually outside of the luminous zone Hottest zone due to oxygen contact
Westdeutsche Dochtfabrik GmbH & Co. KG
Ravensstr. 46, 41334 Nettetal
Mailbox 25 46, 41312 Nettetal