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Monitoring audit according to EN ISO 9001:2015 successfully completed

WEDO offers proven quality. WEDO produces and distributes wicks and technical braids in accordance with quality management system EN ISO 9001:2015.

From April 18th until April 19th 2023 we were audited and successfully met the strict requirements. The Certification company (SYSTEMCERT) confirmed the following (excerpt from the audit report):

Based on the audit findings made and documented by evaluating the entire audit proofs with regard to the audit criteria, the conformity and effectiveness of the implemented Quality Management System according to ISO 9001:2015 can still be confirmed.


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Westdeutsche Dochtfabrik GmbH & Co. KG
Ravensstr. 46, 41334 Nettetal
Mailbox 25 46, 41312 Nettetal

Tel.: +49 2157 1206 - 0

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