New range of wicks successfully tested in large-scale experiments
Our goal is the continuous improvement of our existing product ranges in order to meet the ever-changing demands of the candle market at an early stage.
Our WW S series was developed predominantly for cast and pressed pillar candles. The excellent wicket position, which ensures the desired shortening of the wick and an even burning behaviour, is present in all sizes of this series. This minimises and even prevents the generation of residual carbon and facilitates even melting. Although the series was originally designed for paraffin candles, our new “PN” equipment is also suitable for mixtures containing fat. “PN” does not contain any substances that have been deemed risky by the REACH regulations. You can include the product range in your long-term plans without concerns. Our WW S series has proven to be highly effective in jar candles. In the long term, we intend to replace our current, successful LX range with the new WW S series.
Our WW PC series has been reinvented specifically for use in memorial candles. Wedo offered excellent technical solutions for this segment for many years, but a part of the market increasingly demands more economical wicket solutions. With our WW PC series, we have successfully reconciled these market demands with the usual high WEDO quality. Thanks to new, state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies, we are now able to offer this series for sale.It is distinguished by its consistently clear, even flame and optimal melting behaviour. WW PC wicks are produced without SVHC.
We will be happy to send you samples upon request.