Requirement to report substances of concern as from January 2021
As from 5th January 2021 all manufacturers are required to register products which will enter the EU and contain SVHCs according to the ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) candidate list at a mass percentage level exceeding 0,1%. This is done via the so called ECHA SCIP-Database. SCIP stands for Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products).
This requirement pertains to only a few Wedo wick series.
Wick series in which the product name chemical treatment codes are P104 or P109 contain small amounts of boric acid (CAS-Nr. 10043-35-3, 11113-50-1, EC-Nr. 233-139-2, 234-343-4). These wick series are registered and can be found under the SCIP number 383d752a-51dc-4291-944d-1b43652c6297. The assigned submission number is BPZ236216-15.
Wick series in which the product name chemical treatment codes are P100, P101, P102, P103 or P105 contain small amounts of borax (CAS-Nr. 1303-96-4, EC-Nr. 215-540-4) . These wick series are registered and can be found under the SCIP number 383d752a-51dc-4291-944d-1b43652c6297. The assigned submission number is BPZ740461-09.